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You can work with your teacher to improve your citizenship grades

Honors (H) Satisfactory (S) Needs Improvement (N) Unsatisfactory (U)
An honor student is someone who is

  • Proactive
  • Courteous and Respectful
  • Engaged in Class
A satisfactory student is someone who 

  • Follows instruction
  • Only needs occasional reminders
  • Follows school and classroom rules 
  • Student is on time
  • Has all class supplies (prepared to learn)
A needs improvement student is someone who does one or more

  • only one referral
  • parent contact
  • not engaged in class work/activities
  • frequently tardy and/or absent (use judgment)
  • needs frequent reminders to behave/be on task
  • often uses electronics when they shouldn't
  • Bad attitude(whining, complaining, refusal to do what is asked)
  • Too aggressive with or misuse of school property
  • Cheating/copying on multiple practice assignments 
An Unsatisfactory student is someone who  does one or more

  • multiple referrals
  • doesn't correct behaviors
  • cheating on assessments
  • Consistently cheating on practice assignment 
  • foul language toward teacher or other students
  • regularly distracting entire class
  • generally disrespectful repeatedly
  • Sustained bad attitude
A student who listens and follows through with instructions. 

A student who uses common courtesy, and is considerate. 

A student who is prepared, on task, and shows initiative. 

A student who mostly stays on task, but might need a reminder. 

Students who are on time for their classes, use discretion with first period. 

Students who correct their behavior when they are given reminders

Talkers who aren’t too distracting and who get their work done

Clarification on bad attitude:Not just personality conflicts with the teacher.

School property: hitting chromebooks, breaking pencils, drawing on tables/chairs/etc.

regularly and generally = 3-4 days out of 5