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Shannon Adams Nutrition
Photo of Gabby Alvarez
Gabby Alvarez Counseling Center
Photo of Maria Arroyo
Maria Arroyo Nutrition
Photo of Deb Atkinson
Deb Atkinson Head Secretary Main Office
Photo of Marsha Boyd
Marsha Boyd Learning Lab Aide
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Jessika Calderon Special Education
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Kim Clark Nutrition
Photo of Jennifer Colledge
Jennifer Colledge Main Office Aide Main Office
Photo of Dawnel Hayes
Dawnel Hayes Learning Lab
Photo of Melora Jensen
Melora Jensen Hall Monitor
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Photo of Karen Koons
Karen Koons Cluster Aide
Photo of Ms. Isabel Krebs
Ms. Isabel Krebs Registrar Counseling
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Steve Larsen Language Learner Aide
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Dyllon Matthews Media Center
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Julie Patterson Cluster Aide
Photo of Sandra Pernalete
Sandra Pernalete Language Learner Aide
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Joelle Roberts Special Education
Photo of Guadalupe Romero
Guadalupe Romero Head Chef Nutrition
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Emily Simpson Math Aide
Photo of Megan Taylor
Megan Taylor Other Aide
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Karen Tharp Special Education
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Lynette Wade Other Aide
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Amanda Witzel Nutrition
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Tricia Young Nutrition